Business Development

Why Standard Operating Procedures Are Important In a Small Business

Why Standard Operating Procedures Are Important In a Small Business

How would you feel if you were sitting in an airport runway waiting for your plane to take off, when you happened to glance outside your window only to find the crew haphazardly working on random parts of the plane, some of them looking confused about what they were doing? Would you still be content to fly on that plane or would you feel a bit wary about continuing your journey with the airline?

How to Master External Communication As a Small Business

How to Master External Communication As a Small Business

Communication is essential for humans, let alone businesses. For a business to function properly, information needs to be able to flow from the top down and back up the chain. Everyone involved, whether owner, employee or client, must have a clear method to share and receive ideas.

How to Set and Achieve Milestones for Your Small Business

How to Set and Achieve Milestones for Your Small Business

For many runners, the key to enduring until the end of a race is to keep an eye out for checkpoints along the way. If they can make it to the first checkpoint, they can make it to the next. Soon enough, the series of checkpoints becomes a finish line, and they’ve accomplished their ultimate goal. They have finished the race.

3 Expectations Customers Have of Your Small Business

3 Expectations Customers Have of Your Small Business

Have you ever dealt with a company that offered terrible customer service? Maybe they completely ruined your order or the staff was difficult to get in touch with or if you managed to connect with a staff member, they weren’t very kind or helpful.  What was your response? Most likely you chose not to do business with them again.