10 Administrative Tasks a Small Business Can Automate

10 Administrative Tasks a Small Business Can Automate

In the day-to-day operations of running a small business, there are several routine tasks that require a lot of time and detailed attention from employees. Big businesses may have the staff to delegate these tasks to throughout the company, but for a small business, assigning these tasks can be a lot to ask of a limited amount of staff members. In such cases, it may be wise to turn to automation and rely on some of the software and programs that modern technology provides to help your small business save time.

Why Standard Operating Procedures Are Important In a Small Business

Why Standard Operating Procedures Are Important In a Small Business

How would you feel if you were sitting in an airport runway waiting for your plane to take off, when you happened to glance outside your window only to find the crew haphazardly working on random parts of the plane, some of them looking confused about what they were doing? Would you still be content to fly on that plane or would you feel a bit wary about continuing your journey with the airline?

How Small Businesses Can Conduct Employee Training

How Small Businesses Can Conduct Employee Training

For any small business to truly become successful, it must be run by a strong team. Each member of the team should know their role and be able to efficiently and effectively accomplish their given tasks. In order for management to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding responsibilities and the standards for how those tasks are carried out, it may be necessary to provide training opportunities.

The Top 5 Chatbots for Your Small Business

The Top 5 Chatbots for Your Small Business

Do you remember Simsimi? Back in the day, it was one of the most popular social chatbots on the market. Users could interact with the artificial intelligence program and teach it how to respond to specific questions. It was mostly used for leisure then, but nowadays such chatbots have proved to be very useful in the small business arena.

The Top 3 Resources for Nonprofits

The Top 3 Resources for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations exist to provide a specific service to people in need of support. Some nonprofits have a creative purpose, while others aim to alleviate the difficult situations that people face across the world. Generally, nonprofits aim to spend their money on their target demographic rather than making a profit, so it is important that they direct their funds into resources that work for them.