Advantages of a Customer Relationship Management System for a Small Business

Advantages of a Customer Relationship Management System for a Small Business

Any business owner would agree that the relationship between employees and customers is a crucial factor in the growth of a small business. Another term for this is customer relationship management (CRM) . This refers to the practices, strategies and technologies small businesses use in order to collect and manage customer data for a better customer experience. When used appropriately, CRM can aid in customer retention and increase sales.

The Benefits of Technology In Small Businesses

The Benefits of Technology In Small Businesses

For most people in this day and age, technology is a way of life. Cell phones have become lifelines to the world, and most everyone has a computer in their home. From the way we heat and cool our food to the way we wash dishes, we rely on technology to help us get our work done quickly and more efficiently. The same is true of the relationship between small businesses and technology.

Developing Company Culture in Your Small Business

Developing Company Culture in Your Small Business

Every people group in the world has a distinct culture that sets them apart from everyone else. Each cultural group is united by a specific set of beliefs, values, and norms which are usually expressed through art, language, dress and food. The same can be said for businesses and organizations.

How to Be an Effective Leader in Your Small Business

How to Be an Effective Leader in Your Small Business

The thought of being a leader can seem quite daunting to many people. After all, positions of leadership typically mean heavier responsibilities. With everyone looking to you for direction and guidance, the responsibility to make sure that you steer them in the right direction can be nerve-wracking.